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Earth Day 2014

Join India Cafe at the University of Hawaii Manoa campus to celebrate Earth Day!

Thursday April 24th from 10am-4pm Festival at the Sustainability Courtyard.

Paul Izak will perform 3-4pm.

Paul-Izak performer

Paul-Izak performs at Earth Day

  • 4PM-6PM: Celebratory Reception @ Sustainability Courtyard

  • 6-730PM: Bill McKibben talk @ Art Auditorium

Bill Mckibben

  • 730-11PM: Evening Concert with Mike Love and Sam Ites, Lucie & Matt Lynch and Slam Poetry by Jenna Robinson @ Sustainability Courtyard


UHM food vendors Govinda’s, Da Spot, India Cafe and Honolulu Gourmet will be providing vegetarian food made of locally sourced ingredients on compostable or reusable plates and utensils.

DA SPOT: regular menu + fresh falafels / avocado wraps/ fresh mushroom medley w/ Local Hamakua Mushrooms. All vegetables will be from Aloun farms in Kunia (non-GMO vegetables).

GOVINDA’S: regular menu – curry, another entree, soup, salad and fresh drinks; Local ingredients include cabbage and cilantro from Aloun Farms as well as tomatoes and cucumbers from Ho Farms.

HONOLULU GOURMET: serving vegan, local, 100% organic Life Foods Gourmet Superfoods Burgers. Life Foods will be sampling food for free, always sourced at least 50% locally from Maui farms. This will be a launch of the Life Foods Gourmet product line to be featured at Honolulu Gourmet at Paradise Palms. Served on compostable plates.

INDIA CAFE: wide variety of organic vegetarian and vegan curry meals: spicy eggplant, coconut cabbage and kale, okra curry, curried potatoes, and spinach and kale tofu korma. All meals will include fresh organic salad from Nalo Farms. Vegetables are sourced directly from Souane Farms. Served with WorldCentric certified compostable utensils.

From carbon offsets through tree planting to the food, the 2014 UHM Earth Day Festival will try to minimize its footprint as much as possible.

Sponsors of the 2014 Earth Day Festival at UH Mānoa are: ASUH, the UHM Chancellor’s Office and SAPFB.

Earth Day occurs on April 22 every year. UH Mānoa’s Annual Earth Day Festival is the Thursday before the annual Aloha Bash closest to the 22nd.

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